Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm pretty sure that my overzealous well slept blogging today won't last. But let's hope we make this work on a semi-regular basis.

I want a house.

And a husband, but I might have figured that out. Or... let's put it that I've figured it out and am now doing a fantastic guerrilla marketing campaign in order to convince him that he hasn't gone crazy for mysteriously falling in love with me. It involves a lot of sex and home cooking. A little bit of ego stroking. A great sense of humor. And a lot of naps.

But this was really intended for my commentary on housing. I'm very excited. I desperately need to pass my next round of interviews, but basically I want more money so I can spend it on a house where I will spend my day in the garden. So perhaps I need a raise for a garden? I want a huge crazy awesome vegetable garden with rows. Which is how one generally plants vegetables. But in particular I'm looking for a big garden with a lot of vegetables and fruits and flowers and time out doors.

And a husband to sleep with when I get back inside.

And to brush my hair out of my eyes and shower the dirt off with.

Is that the wrong life plan? Nope. It's heaven.
So the best thing about blogging may be my ability to rant.

Presently I'm focused on a lot of unimportant things: like the fact that today my cat is sleeping with one eye open which is probably the creepiest thing she's done in weeks. Which is saying a lot because my cat is bat shit crazy. She's the creepy insane adorable type of cat that frequently runs into walls for the hell of it. But when she is sleeping with one eye open her pupil slides back and forth and occasionally you think she's looking at you until her eyes slip up and right. Then her whiskers start twitching and her eyes move quickly which makes me think she's mildly possessed of a small demon. But small demons I can handle because she's usually pretty damn funny.

Okay- so the other thing here strangers, that we need to get on is that I want to Befriend (stalk? take out to tea? sit next to uncomfortably close?) several bloggers on the internets. So start fucking reading so I can write them uncomfortably honest emails. Truth.

A Sign

It's probably a good "sign" about where I'm at in my life that I've already accomplished all of my New Years resolutions (including stripping in public and finding someone to marry- yep- checked those off in the first month of the year, no big deal). Except that I'm now onto my newest and hardest NYR (New Years Resolution) ever: I'm going to be a blogger.


Which is tricky because I'm of the easily distracted variety. But here we go.